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Serious about growing your career? Get a coach

Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players that ever lived. He had a coach. Kim Kardashian built a media empire from scratch and became a billionaire. She had a coach. Eric Schmidt was the CEO of Google for 10 years. He had a coach. 

If you care about getting better at something, you should get a coach. Having a coach doesn’t mean you aren’t very good. It means you care about getting better. And getting better in half the time.

So you learn the right way the first time. So you don’t have to unlearn bad habits. So you can consistently perform at the highest and most competitive levels of our field. 

Coaches give sight to the blind

Trying to build your career on your own without a coach is like trying to hunt for an object in a room with a blindfold. You’d get on your hands and knees. You’d crawl so you don’t trip on anything. You’d use your fingers to feel out every surface. If you didn’t find it in your first direction, you’d crawl in any random new direction. 

Trying to find that object with a coach would be like someone telling you if you were getting closer or further with every step you took. They’d give feedback right away instead of having wait for long a time time if something was helpful or setting you back. No, don’t turn left, turn right. Don’t fall over that chair. Reach higher with you right hand. 

Pass on a coach if you have endless time

If you have endless time, don’t mind spending it aimlessly or don’t mind not progressing as quickly, by all means charge forward without a coach. If you’re like me and many of the highest performing people in any area, I’d strongly recommend getting a coach.

I have a coach for tennis, dancing, my career, and public speaking. If you have the money, it’s one the best and highest ROI things to spend it on.

Warren buffet is one of the top financial investors in the world and has been the second wealthiest person in the world for a long time. He says his best investment he's ever made has been in himself. In learning. Building new skills. In improving his craft.

Professional tennis coaches were shown video footage of someone making a serve. Then they’d pause the video before it landed in the court. They were able to predict whether the serve would go in or out with incredible accuracy just by looking at the person serving. They can do that because they’ve seen thousands and thousands of serves and have it programmed into their mind what great looks like. 

Recently some of my direct reports asked me how I built out a marketing strategy so quickly, built rapport so well with the CEO in a short meeting or knew to give them guidance to go left instead of right. It’s because I’ve done it thousands and thousands of times. I can help you learn what I have, but 10x faster.

Join the career coaching program to get that just-in-time learning right when you kit those key career moments that make all the difference.

Learn more about the program details for free.

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