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See how well you use AI at work today and where to focus your learning to grow faster.

AI Magic Maturity Assessment

Complete career coaching package towards AI Mastery

$0Free for a limited time

  • 7 maturity stages to master using AI
  • Compare to peer / industry benchmarks
  • 193 actionable insights
  • Personalized AI Magic Maturity Report
  • 50 research backed questions
  • Beautiful, 35 page Learning Guide PDF
  • 100% risk free
Start Assessment
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Personalized Report

Get a tailored report based on your habits, usage, knowledge, and exposure to AI today.

Learning Recommendations

Get personalized recommendations what to learn next based on where you're at today.

AI Magic Maturity Curve

See where you're strong and weak in each of the 7 areas of the maturity curve. 

Peer Benchmarks

See how you compare to peers across the industry in each maturity curve area.

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Recommendation Pages
Actionable Insights
Research Backed Questions
Test Your AI Strengths

Get your AI maturity score now

Take your next step towards AI mastery at work.

AI Magic Maturity Assessment

Complete career coaching package towards AI Mastery

$0Free for a limited time

  • Personalized AI Magic Maturity Report
  • Compare to peer / industry benchmarks
  • 7 maturity stages to master using AI
  • Beautiful, 35 page Learning Guide PDF
  • 193 actionable insights
  • 50 research backed questions
Start Assessment


How long does it take to complete the assessment?

It usually takes about 15 minutes. It's ideal to complete it in one sitting. But if you stop half way through, you can pick back up where you left off.

How many times can I take the assessment?

1 assessment is included with each purchase. Many choose to take the assessment again over time to see how they improve and see how they progress versus the industry benchmark since that continues to update.

For those who take the AI Mastery Course, 6 assessments are included since that course is built to translate learning from this assessment into action.

Will the results change over time?

Yes. Occasionally we update the questions, answers and weighting update as the fast moving industry evolves. 

The benchmarks update every time someone new takes the assessment so those change frequently.

What metrics are included in the results?

Your score: A number out of 100. This indicates where you scored versus the total available of possible points you could get. 

Assessment Average: Out of all the people who have taken the assessment, this is the average that each got for each category. If your score is above, you're above the average of all other assessment takers. Note the selection bias of this, with a high concentration in advanced big tech companies and startups. 

Benchmark: This what percentile you're in versus everyone who has taken the assessment. If you're in the top 10%, you're AI usage is more mature than 90% of assessment takers. If you're in the top 70%, your usage is more mature than 30% of assessment takers.

Do I need a paid subscription to ChatGPT?

Yes. Due to restrictions from ChatGPT, the only way to use custom GPTs like ours is to subscribe to the ChatGPT Plus plan, currently priced at $20 per month. 

You'll be able to use their latest model for our chatbot, and for any other general purpose you want including advanced data analysis and image creation.

Learn more about the Plus subscription.